Developing Core Strength
Développer la force abdominale et la stabilité du tronc
Developing Fine Motor Skills
Développer les compétences de la motricité fine
Posture and Positioning - Strategies for Kids
La posture et la position - Stratégies pour les enfants Sensory Self-Regulation Stratégies sensorielles et d’autorégulation
Steps to Toileting - Getting Started
Étapes vers la propreté: début et stratégies générales Toilet Training Readiness Checklist
Liste de contrôle pour la préparation à la propreté
Toilet Training Strategies for Sensory and Physical Challenges
Stratégies d’apprentissage de la propreté pour les enfants ayant des défis sensoriels ou de comportement
Stories and Visuals to Support Toilet Training Histoires et images pour appuyer l’apprentissage de la propreté
Developing Hand Strength
Développer la force manuelle Developing Handwriting Skills
Développer les compétences en écriture Developing Keyboarding Skills
Développer les compétences au clavier
Developing Organization Skills
Développer des compétences organisationnelles Developing Pencil Management Skills
Développer des aptitudes à utiliser des crayons Developing Scissor Skills
Développer les compétences avec les ciseaux
Developing Shoelace Tying Skills
Apprendre à attacher les lacets de chaussure
Developing Skills with Fasteners and Containers
Développer les compétences avec des fermetures et des contenants
Preparing for a Successful Day at School
Préparer votre enfant pour une journée scolaire réussie Accessing Private Occupational Therapy (OT)
Accéder à l’ergothérapie privée
Accessing Private Physiotherapy (PT) Accéder à la physiothérapie privée
Accessing Private Speech Language Therapy
Accéder à l’orthophonie-privée Respite Services in York Region
Respite Services in Simcoe County
Respite Funding Options
SafeHaven- respite and residential housing for kids and youth
Reena- residential respite care
Participation House- adult day programs and residential housing
Kinark Outdoor Centre
Caring for the Caregiver Video Series
Ontario Caregiver Organization
Young Caregivers Group
Canadian Mental Health Association- Simcoe and York and South Simcoe
Smile Canada Mentor Program for racialized kids and youth with disabilities and their families
Kerry's Place for Autism Services
Chai Lifeline Programs and Services- Support for families and kids with serious illnesses
Your Support Services Network (YSSN) Resource Days for families
Holland Bloorview Online Resources
Caring for the Caregiver Resources
Military Families Special Needs Support Group
Over 40 Facebook Groups About Disabilities and Developmental Needs Online Community for Parents
Neo-Natal Follow Up Resources
Spasticity Management: Spasticity Management Information for Clients and Families
Introduction to the Spasticity Management Clinic in Simcoe County
Introduction to the Spasticity Management Clinic in Simcoe County During Pandemic
About Botulinum Toxin A (Botox) - video Rehabilitation Videos:
Serial Casting for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) for children with Acquired Brain Injury or Cerebral Palsy
Outdoor Activity Videos to support rehabilitation goals and have fun! Surgery: Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) Experience for CTN clients having surgery in Ontario Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) Experience for CTN clients having surgery outside of Ontario
Koolway Sports
Adapted Toys from SwitchEnabled
Adapted Furniture
Accessible Van Reviews
For the Needy (Niagara Falls)
Apple Accessibility Features for iPhone, iPads and laptops Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Community Services in Simcoe Community Services in York Region EarlyON Programs (former Ontario Early Years)
Simcoe Community Services Social Skills Program for teens with ASD
New Path Mental Health Services and Walk In Clinics- Simcoe County
York Support Services Network Mental Health Walk In Clinics- York Region
York Region Police Registration for kids with autism- Project Lifesaver
Medic Alert for people with autism York Region’s Vulnerable Person’s Registry South Simcoe’s Vulnerable Person’s Registry Barrie’s Vulnerable Person’s Registry
Tips for Parents Navigating the System with Young Kids
Tips for Parents Navigating the System with Youth and Young Adults
Tips for Airplane Travel with your child who has special needs
Printables for parents and providers
Baby and Toddler Development Tips and Information
1 to 1 Rehab Blog
10 Tips for Play
Tips for Picky Eaters
Printables on play, communication and favourite toys for development
Self-Regulation and Self-Control- Zones of Regulation Intro and Tips
Toys for Infants
Toys for Toddlers
Toys for Preschoolers
Forever in Mom Genes: Lisa Thornbury Love That Max
Books for parents new to autism
Special Needs Parenting and Loss
Today’s Parent (CTN’s Anchel Krishna) Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid 5 Minutes for Special Needs Hopeful Parents Parenting Isn’t Pretty- Terri Mauro Down’s Syndrome, Happy Souls Project ACC Ellen Strumbo
Anna Krendell “Sometimes you have to dance in the rain”
Noah's Miracle
ldays-Social Skills -Richmond Hill
Our Social Skills Program designed specifically for children with Learning Disabilities and ADHD.
CTN-Self-Reg Parenting Course-Online
This Shanker Self-Reg Parenting course will provide a unique opportunity for CTN parents and caregivers to consider the roots of behaviour, learning, motivation and social challenges in kids and youth with disabilities and developmental needs.
Better Together.
Interested in Volunteering with CTN?