Because CTN provides services through a network of community, healthcare and educational organizations, we know it is important to bring people together to ensure that the strategic directions and operations of the network are working well. We do this through two collaborative groups and additional project-based working groups as needed.
Made up of leaders from partner organizations and CTN’s senior leadership team, the System Operations group is responsible for ensuring the vision and mission of the network are carried out operationally and strategically through partnered service delivery, and network administration efforts.
This group is responsible for the clinical leadership and operations of the network. Clinical leaders represent our partner organizations and several of CTN’s leadership team members work collaboratively to ensure our network’s clinical operations are working in efficient, effective and family-centred ways.
Kinark Autism Services- Transition to Adulthood- Online
Kinark’s free Transition to Adulthood sessions help to educate parents and caregivers on the services and supports available once their child turns 18.
Kinark Autism Services- Keeping your Child Safe: Household and Fire Safety- Online
Most parents and caregivers view safety as a significant concern. Parents of children with ASD often have additional issues to consider when addressing the safety concerns of their children.
Better Together.
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