At Children’s Treatment Network (CTN), we are committed to protecting your privacy. We collect and use your personal and health information to provide the best care possible. We ensure that all our staff, volunteers and students understand the importance of protecting your privacy rights and fulfilling our obligations. CTN ensures your child’s personal health information remains confidential in accordance with federal and provincial legislation. As required by law, staff must report all incidents of suspected child abuse to child protection services. CTN must comply when the courts legally request client information through a subpoena or court order, as required by law.
Your child and family team is made up of all the professionals working with your child and family—at home, in school and throughout the community. Professionals from network partner organizations work to set goals based on the family’s visions and develop a plan to ensure services are coordinated and delivered effectively. CTN provides various tools and processes to assist team members to work better together. One of the tools we use is a shared electronic client information system (what we sometimes refer to as the shared electronic client record or shared record). This system provides an electronic file for kids/youth accessing various services across the network from various agencies. The shared record allows authorized professionals from various agencies and organizations who are working with the child or youth to document in the same clinical file. Having all providers enter and store information in one place:
Our shared record is a secure, web-based tool. Access to the shared record is only granted to those who work for organizations that have signed agreements and have gone through training. CTN audits the record to protect the privacy of families. For more information about how team members share information and providing consent please review CTN's Consent and Privacy Guide. Our guide is also in French.
CTN is a Health Information Network Provider (HINP) and provides access to the shared record to other Health Information Custodians for the purpose of coordinating care and reducing duplication. For more information see CTN’s HINP Role. Click here for French.
CTN operates in compliance with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation. If you would like to join our email distribution list to receive event updates, news and resources please click here.
To request a copy of your/your child’s health record, or to have a copy sent to a health care provider, contact CTN Health Records via email, phone, or fax (see below). To access patient information, we require valid consent allowing us to release information. All requests will be processed within 30 days in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). To access the Health Records Request form, click here. Health Records Contact Information: *Email: Phone: 249-385-6518 or 1-866-377-0286 Fax: 1-877-797-2402 *If emailing, provide your name and contact information only, do not send detailed personal information via email. We will contact you.
If you have questions about your personal information and the use of a shared record talk to your team right away. However, if you feel that the situation requires further attention, please contact CTN’s Privacy Officer at or Privacy Officer Children’s Treatment Network 13175 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4E 0G6 We will make every effort to address your concerns. Concerns and complaints can also be addressed with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) . For more information about privacy and the protection of personal information and personal health information visit the Information and Privacy Commissioner website: English French
AutismOntario-Sensory Friendly movie-Captain America- Alliston
Sensory Friendly Movie Morning - Captain America: Brave New World.
CTN-After an Autism Diagnosis-Online
After an Autism Diagnosis (formerly 'One Step at a Time') is a webinar for families and caregivers living in Simcoe County and York Region who have a child or youth who has been recently diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
Better Together.
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