Parents and professionals are welcome to connect with the services and support available across CTN by calling 1-866-377-0286 and connecting with a service navigator. CTN provides service navigation and referrals to various programs and services throughout Simcoe County and York Region. If you or a family you work with needs to access any of CTN’s services, all you need to do is make the referral and we will do the rest. Most programs have eligibility requirements. Some may require assessments and/or referrals from physicians or other service providers.
Our service navigators also lay the groundwork for coordinated care planning. They discuss your child’s needs, open a shared electronic record and get your consent for the physicians and professionals who work with your family to share information so they can take a team approach to your child’s care. Our service navigators will be able to work with you to determine the supports your child, youth and family would benefit from. They can also guide you through the referral process for both CTN services and services delivered through other agencies. For School Based Rehabilitation Services (SBRS) occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech language pathology, school board staff must submit referrals via the School Portal in York Region, Simcoe County and Central and West Toronto. CTN recognizes the diversity of the communities we serve. Service navigation is available in French. We can also arrange for interpretation in other languages to assist families who do not speak English or French.
If you're a physician and think a family you work with needs to access our therapy, assessment or specialty services, please complete the Physician Referral Form.
Other Service Providers and Families
Call us at 1-866-377-0286 Our service navigators are available to help service providers as well as families. CTN recognizes the diversity of the communities we serve. Service navigation can be provided in French and we are happy to arrange for a translator for other languages.
To discuss consent to share information with clients and families please review the Consent and Privacy Guide with the family and complete the Consent for Information Sharing and Collection of Personal Information form (French version). This will facilitate the sharing of information and the use of the shared record across all providers working with the child, youth and family.
All completed forms can be faxed to CTN ACCESS at 705-792-2775.
CTN-After an Autism Diagnosis-Online
After an Autism Diagnosis (formerly 'One Step at a Time') is a webinar for families and caregivers living in Simcoe County and York Region who have a child or youth who has been recently diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
Boomerang Health- Conversation Club-Vaughan
Conversation Club is aimed at enhancing participants’ conversation skills, such as initiating and maintaining conversations, participating in group discussions, and connecting with peers.
Better Together.
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