As a network serving kids and youth with disabilities and developmental needs, accessibility is a key focus and priority. We fully support the Ontario Disabilities Act and are dedicated to meeting and advancing standards set by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). For more information, please view our: Accessibility Planning Policy (French version here) CTN Compliance with AODA - English or French Committment to Accessibility CTN Accessibility Plan
The network is committed to protecting the personal health information and privacy of the kids, youth and families we serve. We will ask for your consent to record your child’s history, treatment and progress in a shared electronic record so that all network partners and professionals working with your child and family can develop a coordinated single plan of care and work together in a secure and confidential manner. The network’s Information Sharing and Privacy Policy was developed in accordance with the Child and Family Services Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and the Personal Health Information Protection Act.
As a not-for-profit organization funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), Children’s Treatment Network (CTN) is committed to being fully accountable, compliant and transparent to all our stakeholders regarding reimbursement of business related expenses.
Children's Treatment Network is committed to a child and family-centred approach to planning and delivering services and supports to kids and youth with disabilities and developmental needs. A key component of family-centred care is developing a close partnership with families to ensure there are opportunities for families to be actively engaged in their child’s care and in the ongoing development of the Network. The Family Advisory Committee (FAC), consisting of clients, family members and Network professionals, provides advice and guidance on all aspects of the Network including operations and the planning and delivery of services and supports for kids and families. To learn more about the FAC, click here. Family Engagement Policy - English or French Family Engagement Overview - English or French
CTN encourages families to provide feedback.
CTN and all our network partners are dedicated to providing families with high-quality services and excellent service experiences. Your feedback helps us to address any concerns that you may have. Your input also helps us continually improve network practices so we can enhance our ability to meet the needs of the kids, youth and families we serve. If you have a compliment, concern or complaint, we encourage you to speak to your service provider, a member of your child's team, or Community and Family Coordinator right away. If you are uncomfortable speaking with a staff member, or feel your situation requires further attention, please fill out the Formal Complaint Form to submit it directly to CTN. Formal Complaint Policy - English or French
As a publicly funded organization, CTN purchases goods and services in accordance with the Ontario Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive and Supply Chain Code of Ethics. Our commitment to procurement practices that are conducted in an open, competitive and transparent environment ensures that the Network, the kids, youth and families we serve and all our stakeholders receive optimal quality and value for money. To read more about our Procurment policy, please click here for English or click here for French.
CTN is committed to protecting and promoting the rights of the people we serve in accordance with the laws of Ontario. Kids, youth and families receiving services and supports from CTN also have responsibilities, so we can work effectively as partners. CTN Declaration of Client Rights and Responsibilities - English or French.
Computer programs can make intelligent guesses as to what an appropriate translation should be. Therefore, automated translations can help a reader understand the general content of text in a foreign language. However, because the translations are generated by computer programs, not all translations are perfect and the accuracy of translations may be different between languages. Computer translations are not available for all languages.
Nothing on this website is intended as advice to meet the specific needs of an individual as individual situations will differ. Website visitors should not act or rely on website information without seeking specific advice on matters of concern. We will not purposefully present inaccurate information on this website, however information is supplied "as is" and may contain errors. We do not guarantee or warrant the quality, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, appropriateness or suitability of the website content. Reliance on any information appearing on the website is at your own risk. We expressly disclaim all warranties, representations and conditions regarding use of this website and its content.
AutismOntario-Sensory Friendly movie-Captain America- Alliston
Sensory Friendly Movie Morning - Captain America: Brave New World.
CTN-After an Autism Diagnosis-Online
After an Autism Diagnosis (formerly 'One Step at a Time') is a webinar for families and caregivers living in Simcoe County and York Region who have a child or youth who has been recently diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
Better Together.
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