While it can be difficult to find the time, reading can provide a perspective that can enhance your knowledge and help reduce the sense of isolation. Knowing that others have similar journeys or insight allows many parents to reflect on their own lives while gaining important information. Some of the books recommend by our CTN parents will teach you something new about your child, others will inspire you and help you feel more connected to our community and others may even make you laugh. While there are many experiences that differ among parents of kids with disabilities and developmental needs, what we also know is that many of them are the same. Here is our reading list of blogs we love and books that have been recommended by the parents on our Facebook page. Blogs written by and for parents of children with disabilities: Anna Krendell “Sometimes you have to dance in the rain”
Bloom- Parenting Kids with Disabilities (Holland Bloorview)
Ellen Strumbo "Hope and Encouragement for Parents of Kids with Disabilities
Forever in Mom Genes
Tiptoeing Through the Tulips
Savvy Mom- SavvyStories: Special Needs
Love That Max
The Mighty
Today’s Parent
Autism Journey Books Recommended by our Families on Facebook
Autistic Brain by Temple Grandin
Carly’s Voice- Breaking Through Autism by Arthur Fleicshmann
Chicken Soup for the Soul- Children with Special Needs: Stories of Love and Understanding for Those Who Care for Children with Disabilities Keeping up with Kenna by Nicole Andrews Moore NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman
No Ordinary Boy by Jennifer Johannesen Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper
Parenting Through the Storm by Ann Douglas
The Boy in the Moon by Ian Brown
The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge, M.D.
The Spark by Kristine Barrnett
What I Would Tell You: One Mother’s Adventure with Medical Fragility by Julie Keon Wonder by R.J. Palacio If you are looking for kid’s books on inclusion and acceptance, we love this list and this one! Whether it’s a quiet moment before the kids get home from camp or school, sitting pool or lake side or even a few moments locked in the bathroom alone, we hope that you find a chance to read some of the books and blogs that are on our must-read lists! Thank you to our CTN Facebook Community for sending in their recommendations!
Mackenzie Health-Trauma Informed Support-Online
In this workshop, participants will learn about trauma and trauma-informed approaches to care.
Kinark-Determination of Needs Info Session-Online
This session will provide an overview of Determination of Needs (DoN).
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