Searching for the perfect costume, decorating the house with spider webs, carving the pumpkin and buying candy to hand out to the cute trick or treaters, all add to the excitement leading up to Halloween night. You child may also not be interested in trick or treating at all and choose to hand out candy and treats or skip it altogether like many kids (read more here on how to let kids lead the way). For many families and kids with disabilities and developmental needs, this holiday can be a reminder of barriers or differences that exist with some kids who don’t eat orally; have sensitivity issues or severe allergies that prohibit them from taking part in the fun of going door-to-door collecting candy. It's easy to include all kids when they come to your door this October 31st, with a supply of non-edible items that can all be found at your local dollar or party supply store. Try some of these fun and inexpensive items on hand so that Halloween can truly be inclusive of all kids!
AutismOntario-Sensory Friendly movie-Captain America- Alliston
Sensory Friendly Movie Morning - Captain America: Brave New World.
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After an Autism Diagnosis (formerly 'One Step at a Time') is a webinar for families and caregivers living in Simcoe County and York Region who have a child or youth who has been recently diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
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