The primary role of the LTF is to connect people, purpose and passion to promote inclusion and participation of children and youth with special needs. LTFs promote strong relationships between families, service providers and communities. LTFs play a key role at what you and your child experience in our local communities through events, communication and your local CTN site. How They Work: Child and Family Team: LTFs encourage family engagement and satisfaction by hosting family events and providing parent education and community resource information. Local Team: LTFs promote collaboration of service providers by managing sites and equipment, providing training and resource support, and communicating information with local team members to share with children and families. Community: LTFs facilitate inclusion and participation in the community by raising awareness, building capacity, identifying gaps and barriers and linking community organizations. Network: LTFs support the vision of Building Brighter Futures Together by promoting integrated community care, encouraging system change, and leading innovative ways to meet the needs of children and youth with special needs. The LTF is the local liaison for the network.
What a support group can do is surprisingly powerful. I felt lighter and happier when I walked out of the door of Covernotes, though I only spent less than an hour there. Meeting you guys make me feel I was understood and heard.
AutismOntario-Sensory Friendly movie-Captain America- Alliston
Sensory Friendly Movie Morning - Captain America: Brave New World.
CTN-After an Autism Diagnosis-Online
After an Autism Diagnosis (formerly 'One Step at a Time') is a webinar for families and caregivers living in Simcoe County and York Region who have a child or youth who has been recently diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
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