Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a life-long neurological disorder that affects the way a person communicates and relates to the people and world around them. ASD can affect behaviour, social interactions, and one’s ability to communicate verbally. ASD is a spectrum disorder, which means that while all people with ASD will experience certain difficulties, the degree to which each person on the spectrum experiences these challenges will be different.
Community Support:
Ontario Autism Program
Autism Ontario
CTN Events- Coffee Chats and Workshops CTN Mentor Program
Autism Ontario Learning Resource Site
York ASD Partnership Resources Autism Canada Kerry's Place for Autism Services
Autism Teenage Partnership
Autism Ontario- Transition to Adulthood Resources
Adults with ASD
New Diagnosis:
What is autism? A Guide for Parents of Autistic Kids written by Autistic Adults York Region ASD Resource Kit Welcome to the Autistic Community Amazing Things Can Happen (video)
Autistic Not Weird videos
Amaze - resources and information
Autism Ontario: Ten Facts About Autism, What Autism Isn’t and the Language Statement
ASD Next Steps- F Word Profiles
Autism Navigator (parent education videos and courses) AIDE Canada – Canada's largest resource hub for content catered to the autism and neurodivergent communities
Therapy Options:
Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
OAP Provider List Foundational Family Services (FFS) Workshops for Parents (OAP)
Autism Ontario CommunityConnect site to find professionals
Parenting Tips:
Fine motor skills, toliet training and independent skills
Kinark Kreates are practical how-to videos to help you create resources in the home to support your child
Feeding and other tips for parents
Blood Tests for children and youth with autism (LifeLabs Program)
Celebrating the autism community- video by Autism Ontario
App for kids with autism
MedicAlert Autism Program
York Region Police Registration for children with autism- Project Lifesaver
100+ Books about Autism and Neurodiversity Mental Health Literacy Guide for Autism Facebook Groups:
Autism Inclusivity
Ask Autistics Ontario Autism Family Support of Simcoe County