The Splashy is a multipurpose bath seat available through CTN’s Equipment Loan Program (ELP), funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. It is portable and lightweight and can be used for bathing or messy play but is also great for sitting at the beach or in the snow! Splashy makes bath-time easier for parents and caregivers and tons more fun for kids with disabilities. CTN supports kids, youth and families by focusing on CanChild's framework of the F-words for Child Development. Every child with varying abilities has the right to have fun, enjoy friends, function as they are, access fitness, plan for their future and join in family activities like bath-time and playing independently! What are the benefits of the Splashy?
ldays-Social Skills -Richmond Hill
Our Social Skills Program designed specifically for children with Learning Disabilities and ADHD.
CTN-Self-Reg Parenting Course-Online
This Shanker Self-Reg Parenting course will provide a unique opportunity for CTN parents and caregivers to consider the roots of behaviour, learning, motivation and social challenges in kids and youth with disabilities and developmental needs.
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