CTN Seeking Second Accreditation

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We will welcome the survey team from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) to evaluate how well we meet international standards of service quality as we try to earn accreditation for the second time. 

CARF last awarded CTN a 3-year accreditation in 2018, which is the highest level of accreditation that can be achieved.  

CTN will be surveyed by CARF’s survey team on January 21 and 22, 2021. Due to the pandemic, the CARF survey will be a bit different this year.  The survey team will virtually tour our administrative sites and conduct interviews about our network role, organizational practices and service quality with our staff, partners and families who receive services.

Some questions the survey team members might ask people are:

  • Do we provide a clean and safe setting?
  • Do you receive the services you need and want?
  • Are you treated with respect?
  • Do you take part in planning your services?
  • Are you told what you need to know about your services?
  • Are your questions answered in a way you understand?
  • Do you know where to go with questions or concerns?
Gaining accreditation is important to CTN because it publicly demonstrates that we are recognized as an organization where quality matters. It also reaffirms that we strive to continually improve and offer the highest quality of service to the children, youth and families the network collectively serves.

To view this information in French, please click here.

If you would like to speak with the CARF surveyors or would like to learn more about CARF please contact CARF International directly quoting CTN's survey number #139723:

Internet: www.carf.org/contact-us
E-mail: feedback@carf.org
Mail: CARF International, 6951 East Southpoint Road, Tucson, AZ 85756, USA
Telephone: (520) 495-7001
Fax: (520) 318-1129

*Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) International - A group of companies that includes CARF, CARF Canada and CARF Europe.


