Celebrating our New Orillia Site

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The open house in Orillia was a huge success. 

We are thrilled to announce our newest CTN collaborative site in Orillia. 

The Orillia Local Team’s resiliency was demonstrated while they awaited a dedicated CTN space. This team is resourceful! The success of this team is in the passion they have for working with children and youth with special needs. The success of their Parent Information Fair is a clear example of how this team connects with one another beyond the walls of their agencies. 

We celebrated with an open house for our families, staff and partners on May 31st. It was a wonderful event with a fantastic turnout!  Lori Brown, Orillia Local Team Facilitator did an exceptional job at supporting and leading the process alongside her partners, Kim Latour (Catulpa) and Rhonda Burke-Joraszik (Royal Victoria Hospital) and their awesome staff. 

The site looked  welcoming and impressive. Thanks to our team for their efforts in making this dream of an Orillia site a reality! We look forward to welcoming our first families to our newest location!

For CTN location details, click here. For more information on future events in Orillia, check our events calendar. For all other questions, contact Lori Brown, Local Team Facilitator at lbrown@ctnsy.ca


