CTN local team sites are often located within buildings that also contain several of our community partner organizations. This helps facilitate our network service and program delivery model and allows all agencies to share the costs associated with maintaining local therapeutic treatment rooms and meeting spaces. CTN’s Collingwood site is located within the Collingwood YMCA and is great example of shared space with community partners. Both organizations regularly collaborate on several events and local initiatives and share the space, including washrooms. Until a few years ago, the only accessible washroom was located in a family change room. This change room has a small metal bench for use when someone needs to get out of their wheelchair for changing and is only appropriate for children under age 10. Since the family change room is used by both males and females, it has also proven to be problematic for teens and adults who need more privacy and don't feel comfortable in this unisex environment. Two years ago, at the request of CTN, the YMCA added an individual, accessible washroom with space for a large change table. Since completion, clients and staff of the site have waited for funds to purchase a change table to make this new accessible washroom fully inclusive. In March, CTN was able to purchase the much-needed change table for teens and adults with disabilities. Both clients and staff are thrilled to have the completed washroom on the property! CTN client Akshayan and his dad David are very happy to have more privacy in this new washroom. It's safer because the table is larger and height adjustable. It is also more private as this washroom is in an individual washroom Thank you to the YMCA for working with us on this important initiative to make the collaborative space more accessible and inclusive for our families. Article submitted by Jennifer Phillips, Local Team Facilitator in Collingwood. Akshayan is an active member at the YMCA in addition to being a CTN client. Photo includes Jennifer, CTN Local Team Facilitator, Akshayan, his brother and a YMCA staff member in the actual washroom.
It's safer because the table is larger and height adjustable. It is also more private as this washroom is in an individual washroom
Mackenzie Health-Trauma Informed Support-Online
In this workshop, participants will learn about trauma and trauma-informed approaches to care.
Kinark-Determination of Needs Info Session-Online
This session will provide an overview of Determination of Needs (DoN).
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