Supporting Quality Care for Ontarians with Autism

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Ontario to consult on regulation of behavioural clinicians who provide Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), a therapy that primarily supports people with autism.

As recommended by experts and supported by families, regulation of ABA behavioural clinicians will set standard expectations for quality therapy across the province. Consultations on how best to implement regulation are set to begin this fall. By improving oversight of ABA clinicians, the government is taking further action to improve outcomes for children and youth with autism and others receiving this type of therapy. Helping to ensure quality care from autism providers is part of Ontario's plan to help as many families as possible through redeveloping the Ontario Autism Program. For more information, please read the Ministry’s press release.

We appreciate that changes to the autism program have a significant impact on many of the children, youth and families CTN and our network partners work with. We encourage clients and families to continue to stay updated on what is happening with the Ministry via their website and speak with their service providers. We will continue to share information as it becomes available.

For information on community supports and services, please connect with CTN via our ACCESS team at 1-866-377-0286.


