Jun 12

4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

165 Ferris Lane, Barrie, ON, L4M 2Y1

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Simcoe - Barrie
CTN: Afterschool Sibshops Hangout- Barrie

CTN: Afterschool Sibshops Hangout- Barrie

About event:

Who should attend?    Children|Youth

Sibshops are fun events just for siblings of kids with disabilities such as developmental, health and mental health concerns. They are special times just for siblings to shine. 

Pizza will be provided. 

At a Sibshops, sibs will:

  • Meet other sibs (usually for the first time)
  • Talk with others who 'get it' about the good (or sometimes not-so-good) parts of having a sibling with disabilities, special health and/or developmental needs
  • Play some great games
  • Learn how other siblings handle sticky situations sometimes faced by siblings
  • Laugh and have FUN!
Event Details: 
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Register for this event HERE 



  Download event flyer 12-06-2024 4:30 p.m. 12-06-2024 6:30 p.m. America/Toronto CTN: Afterschool Sibshops Hangout- Barrie Come meet and hang out with other siblings of kids with disabilities and developmental needs.  165 Ferris Lane, Barrie, ON, L4M 2Y1 dbuchmayer@ctnsy.ca

