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Learn more about the Family Resource, Education and Support Hub.
Watch the four-part video series for tips to support caregiver wellness.
Are you a family member looking for information?
Are you a service provider or physician looking for information or referral forms?
Are you looking for services or supports for your child or youth?
Kinark Autism Services-Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities Home Funding Application Support- Online
Are you trying to apply for Special Services at Home? Looking at the Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities application and not sure where to start? Did you know you could apply for the Disability Tax Credit? We understand these applications can be overwhelming and our team is here to help.
Kinark Autism Services- Parent Social- Coffee Chat- Online
Kinark is excited to invite you to a virtual coffee chat.
Kinark Autism Services- After Behaviour- Online
After Behaviour: Responding Intentionally and Effectively to Behaviour focuses on the things that caregivers can do after both valuable skills and challenging behaviour to make it more likely that the child will display those valuable skills that they possess and make it less likely the child will rely on challenging behaviour to get their needs met when faced with similar situations in the future.
Boomerang Health- Find Your Fit- Vaughan
Find Your Fit is a group therapy program designed for adolescents in Grades 7 to 10 who have an interest in becoming more physically active and would like some guidance on how to improve their overall fitness level.